Laura Oxsen Starts Term as AWWA President

3J Civil Engineering Lead, Laura Oxsen, PE, recently started her term as American Water Works Association (AWWA) Northwest Oregon Subsection President. Laura has been on the Board of AWWA Northwest Oregon since 2018, having filled the roles of Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary. She has also volunteered for the Water for People committee since 2016. She is looking forward to leading the Subsection during the transition back to in-person events. Laura will be in this role through May 2023 and her responsibilities will include presiding over all meetings of the Subsection and Board, working closely with other Board members and committee leads, preparing and presenting the Subsection’s annual report, facilitating the Subsection spending plan/budget meeting, acting as a resource to all members, ensuring all business is occurring in accordance with the Subsection Bylaws and Policies and Procedures, and various other items.


Laura has been a member of AWWA since 2015.

We're proud of Laura and excited to see what she'll do with her term as President.